


Age 26 – 500 days: I*m finally in a relationship unlike any I*ve ever been





在開始的幾個月,要學會轉移注意力。 就像在山上的男人,你仍然在增長你的定力去戰勝(邪淫)。所以千萬不要讓自滿自傲干擾你,讓你覺得你足夠強大,結果一擼回到解放前。有一天你會有(足夠的定力),但不是現在。你要集聚你所有的業餘時間、精力和信心,沿著NF上的戒色前輩的方法讓你自己全神貫注。開始的幾周確實是一場轉移注意力的戰爭。(我強烈推薦 打開DNS或者其他網頁形式的過濾服務,尤其是如果它在新的設置起效之前有一個3分鐘的延期。用這種方式,即使你有所猶豫,3分鐘會給你足夠的時間去意識到你不應該那樣做,然後解除設置)

同樣地,對於NF(上的建議)最難達到的是去想像你從來都沒有擼過?。一旦你看到:「wow,我已戒掉80或者100天,我真棒!」這樣的盲目自信會將你絆倒。每天,對我最有用的事情就是對自己說「X 天已是過去, Y 天才是未來」.從來不要看過去的X天,要牢記未來的Y天。即使你又戒了一天,你還是什麼都沒有做。即使你已經達到你的目標,你的自由來自於你的警覺。(飛翔哥說的即使戒除好幾年,仍然如履薄冰)。就像其他習慣一樣,隨著時間的推移,這種意識將會越來越容易保持。(飛翔哥說的進入穩定期,煎熬感消失)。





Age 26 – 500 days: I*m finally in a relationship unlike any I*ve ever been

Submitted by admin on Sun, 10/06/2013 – 12:19
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Happy couple .The first time I had ever heard about NF was when a redditor friend of mine showed me this page he had randomly stumbled upon. My reaction was to admit “oh, man I could never do that”, while secretly wishing I could.

For months before NF, I had been trying to quit continuously, but never got past 3 to 5 days. And I didn*t think I was addicted, I had just figured if I don*t want to do it I should be able to stop.

It proved to be much harder than that.

It took me just over a good month of reading NF and getting my affairs into order before I registered for a badge. That day was a Friday of all days, right before a long weekend with little to do. I*ve already made a post on extremely helpful tips that I*ll link at the bottom of this one that got me through that weekend and beyond, but after that day I didn*t look back. And it*s because of the enormous debt of gratitude that I owe to you guys and gals that I wanted to share my experiences in the hopes of giving back to others struggling with this same problem. If this post gives that last bit of motivation to get a badge, or to stick out the full 90 days for sure, to even one person, it will have done its job.

Let me tell you the truth about NF right when you decide to take the challenge : you won*t be able to do it. Or, at least, that*s what you*re going to think every single day that you are doing it, and it*ll feel so true that you just can*t take it any more. It is an addiction, and you will be going through the emotional ups and downs and downs of withdrawal. The truth is a day one fapstronaut is like a man setting out to climb a tall mountain who has never walked before that day. At first it will be impossible and too much to get to the “magical” 90 day mark, but as you walk a little bit more each time your muscles, your willpower, will grow and it will become possible. That is why the best advice I can give you is to take it one day at a time, always. Don*t look at what you*re doing as fighting a war to quit for 90 days, then it seems too big to take on. Realize that what you*re doing is just saying no once. When that urge comes up, you say no, you scream into a pillow, you scream internally, you throw those thoughts away, you distract yourself, you realize how much better you*ve done without it and how much you have to lose going back and starting over and maybe not even getting this far, and you don*t let that urge go anywhere. You say no, that one time, and you do that every one time that it comes up. That*s it. Not 90 days of constant will power, just a subtle lifestyle change, a quiet “no” whenever the random desire flickers up and tries to take hold.

And for the first few months, by god, do distract yourself. Like the man at the mountain, you*re still developing your willpower to fight it, so never let arrogance convince you to edge or that you*re strong enough to go there a little and come back. One day you might be, but not just yet. So put all that extra time and energy and confidence that comes with starting NF to use on other ventures to keep yourself preoccupied. The first few weeks are really a battle of distraction. (I highly recommend OpenDNS or some other kind of web filtering service, especially if it comes with a 3 minute delay before new settings take effect. That way, even if you falter, the 3 minutes give you enough time to realize you really don*t want to do this, and unset those settings. )

Likewise the hardest thing to accept about NF is to never think you*re done. Once you look at “wow, I*ve already gone 80, or 100, days, I*m so great” the false confidence will trip you up. The most helpful thing for me has been to, every day, say to myself “X days down, Y days to go”. You never look at the X without the Y. Even if you*re a day away, you*re still not done. Even if you*ve met your goal, your freedom from those chains is guaranteed only by your vigilance. Which, just like any habit, becomes much, much easier with time the longer you stick to it.

Despite what some people say, NF will not make you into a god of confidence and ability, although for the first few months it*ll really feel like that. What NF will do is give you more control of your own life. It*s a little bit like the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Instead of acting on impulse, you*ll be learning self-restraint and mindfulness with one of the most primal instincts, which will flow over into every part of your life and make your life*s decisions be entirely up to you.

When I started this 500 days ago, I had trouble concentrating; I couldn*t commit to a goal for more than a week at a time. Whenever I*d have a day off, it*d be wasted in lazy indulgence and nothing more, knowing that I COULD be doing more with my time and that I wasn*t. Now I can handle 50, 60 hour work weeks regularly without even noticing it, now I*ve been able to make the choice to exercise regularly and stick to it.

Now I*m in a relationship unlike any I*ve ever been in because I can finally treat my partner as another human being rather than sometimes as an object of desire (and that degree of mindfulness goes a long way with helping relationships, since you now know firsthand that your own desires aren*t as important as they make themselves out to be, that you can say no to them to put others first); now I*m constantly working on improving myself instead of just wishing I could.

And all this from doing NF for just over 1% of the average expected lifespan I have ahead of me. That*s the difference NF makes, and that*s the difference I hope for all of you.

For a list of tips and tools to get you through those 90 days, here is my post on what pushed me through it: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/ydols/26yo_m_virgin_ju



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